Exceptional Accounting and Business Financial Services

Maintaining, developing, and building your business can be difficult when you have to wear many hats. Having to deal with tax filings, financial management , and bookkeeping is a challenge in itself. And having to maintain the resources for an in-house accounting department can be expensive. That's where ALEXANDRIA TAX & BOOKKEEPING becomes an invaluable partner.
I can provide accounting, tax, and financial management services, to help monitor business' financial health and tax liabilities. I am accessible and provide professional and experienced advice. I can be reached by phone, email, mail, fax, and online.
My professional accounting services can assist you with performing monthly or quarterly services - such as bank / credit card / loan reconciliations and tax reporting. Let me keep your books for you ! I can produce accurate and timely financial statements for your business -to provide you with up-to-date info that you can use to help prepare your income taxes, acquire loans, and report performance to owners. Does your accounting processes need improvements, analysis, or documentation? What do you need help with on the financial / accounting side of your business? Are getting ready for an audit and need assistance getting your books 'cleaned up' ? I can help.
As an IRS Enrolled Agent, I can advise on tax issues, and prepare tax returns for individuals, partnerships, corporations, estates, trusts, non-profits, and any entities with tax-reporting requirements. Enrolled Agents are the only federally licensed tax practitioners who specialize in taxation and also have unlimited tax advisory and preparation rights with the IRS in all 50 states. (i've prepared state returns in 26 states!)
I can prepare Individual 1040, Partnership 1065, Corporate 1120, and Non-Profit 990 returns, along with all US States. I can assist with quarterly Nanny Tax, State and Local Property Tax reporting. Have you received a letter from the IRS, State, or local county taxing entity? Need sales & use, property tax, or business license reports? I can help you respond professionally and promptly to these.